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Role sb2b_deploy

Deploy Sterling B2B Integrator

Role Variables

Environment variables for this role:

Environment Variable Default Value Required Description
ENTITLED_REGISTRY_KEY Yes IBM Entitled Registry key
SI_INSTANCEID Yes Used to define your environment
SI_LICENSETYPE no-prod No Specify the license edition as per license agreement. Valid value is prod or non-prod for Production and Non-production respectively. Remember that this parameter is crucial for IBM Licensing and Metering Service
SI_SYSTEM_PASSPHRASE passw0rd No Name of system passphrase secret if available
SI_ADMIN_MAILADDR No Provide the admin email address
SI_ADMIN_SMTPHOST No Provide the SMTP host details
SI_DBVENDOR DB2 No Database vendor: DB2, Oracle, MSSQL
SI_DBHOST No Database hostname/ip address
SI_DBPORT No Database port
SI_DBNAME B2BI No Database name
SI_DBUSER db2inst1 No Database user
SI_DBPASSWORD passw0rd No Database user password
SI_ORACLESERVICENAME false No Oracle service name, must be true when database is Oracle
SI_DATASETUP_ENABLED true No Enable database setup job execution
SI_DATASETUP_UPGRADE false No Upgrade an older release
SI_JMS_PASSWORD passw0rd No JMS Queue user password
SI_JMS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD No JMS Queue keystore password
SI_JMS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD No JMS Queue truststore password
SI_LIBERTY_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD changeit No Liberty keystore password
SI_SKIP_HELM false No Avoid to run helm, only generate values.yaml